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Self-portrayal of the Lazarus Union

The LAZARUS UNION has roots dating back to 1973 and developed (with a few detours) into today‘s form in 2010. With currently more than 20.000 members in more than 90 countries (Status June 2016)on all continents the LAZARUS UNION is at the moment the largest of all “Lazarus-Formations“ worldwide.


The LAZARUS UNION is also with the United Nations as an NGO (Non Governmental Organization) in “General Consultative Status” with the United Nations (ECOSOC).


According to its possibilities the LAZARUS UNION is a world-wide operating charity organisation supporting all who are in need of help, friendship, comfort, or care.


The LAZARUS UNION is open for all people who are able to identify themselves with the mission statement of the LAZARUS UNION and does NEVER ask for the denomination of its members.


The LAZARUS UNION considers and respects this right of freedom of religion as the sole and personal moral issue of every singe member. After all, most religions of the world are represented in the LAZARUS UNION.


The LAZARUS UNION vigorously resists any and all “assimilation“ attempts from certain religions and their representatives and stresses the full neutrality of the LAZARUS UNION against all religious communities.

The LAZARUS UNION never puts any form of pressure on its members and leaves participation in religious activities solely in the conscience of the single member.


The LAZARUS UNION is therefore NEITHER a religious NOR a secular order and as such neither indebted to ANY particular religious group or organization nor does it allow itself to be taken in by any religious group.


This self-portrayal is valid for the complete LAZARUS UNION as well as for the LAZARUS UNION Knighthood of Honour as a knightly association!


The LAZARUS UNION is NOT a “self styled order”!




The Executive Board of Management


Vienna, June 2016

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