Goals, Declaration and History
of the CSLI
A living consequent charity to all the people were help is needed. No matter what race and ethnicity, what religion, what social status, what sex, age and affiliation to the clubs, societies and religious ever they have.
Building a strong international group of like-minded people to deal with the objectives of the CSLI can identify with and a personal contribution to development. As always, this contribution will also look like.
For CSLI members, there is whatsoever no exclusion of other people. Everyone has the right to individuality and the acceptance of this individuality. Just as it is this right to others should be ready to apply.
Cooperation with other relief organizations and groups to the same or similar goals as the CSLI and aspire. Linked to altruism with experience and available know how these groups too.
A further training and development of the Air Wing CSLI and camaraderie experience, together with our annual main event for “Fly with handicapped and homeless people” and our individual “Fly in´s.”
Commitment to help homeless people through voluntary work with making homeless people services in dormitories and the collection of funds for homeless housing finance them.
Use of personal private time to other people, such as homeless people without a fixed home, listen, respect for them and these people use this to show that they are accepted as they are!
Every member should be CSLI small own initiatives, and where there is an opportunity, to make another people a joy, let us do it. It may be an easy smile, which costs nothing, but is able to do a lot.
To act and live in according to the CSLI motto:
Obligatory declaration:
The CSLI (LAZARUS UNION) is not an order!
The CSLI was founded under the laws of the Republic of Austria and built expressly committed to their rule of law. The CSLI has given the benefits of its members and there are neither somewhere a need to “hide”, nor would it make sense for the CSLI, to give up the freedom and independence. The CSLI in particular is one of the last, in fact completely voluntary relief organizations, their members and officials do not receive any gifts or benefits from the association. All donations, gifts, etc. the CSLI receives neither spend out for administration nor in other similar costs.
The CSLI has the ideals of Saint Lazarus to his banner. As an organization we are autonomous and independent and not belong to any other associations. Following this view, the Lazarus Union is therefore not a part of any kind of Lazarus Orders and again, NOT an order.
This independence and autonomy is also documented through the official emblem of the CSLI. Aware NOT the green eight-pointed cross or the “green" Greek “cross, but the ”Claw Cross“ as the main element. (The presentation of badges and insignia of the Order of Saint Lazarus on this website are therefore entirely documentary and informational nature and are NOT the insignia of the CSLI and used by the CSLI !)
History of the CSLI
Established in 2006 as a subsidiary association of the 1973 founded “Saint Lazarus Volunteers (LHW Lazarus Hilfswerk)” named “Lazarus Hilfswerk Landesgruppe Lower Austria – LHWNÖ”.
February 2007: separation from the “Saint Lazarus Volunteers”. Autonomy and change of name to “Lazarus Hilfswerk Ostarrichi – LHWO”.
Caused by a lawsuit forged by the “Saint Lazarus Volunteers” based on “similarities of name” change of name to “Corps Saint Lazare Ostarrichi (St. Lazarus Corps Ostarrichi) – CSLO”.
March 2008: VOLUNTARILY and full subordination under the protectorate of the PIA UNIO “Order of the Knights of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem, Grand Priory of Austria, shortly Order of Lazarus”. The CSLO sets up of a Board of Directors consisting of the highest members of the Chapter of the Order of Lazarus. The Order grants the status of “official relief organization of the Order of Lazarus” to the CSLO.
On 2. September 2008 the CSLO was dissolved by the Board of Directors because of disagreements between the Board and the Executive Committee.
On 16. September 2008 it was re-established as CORPS SAINT LAZARE INTERNATIONAL (Stank Lazarus Corps International), briefly CSLI. The CSLI cooperates with all organizations and sub-groups of the Order of Lazarus, who accept this cooperation, on a worldwide basis and presents the acquired know how without any limitations.
After reaching more than 2600 members worldwide, the constituent general assembly was held on 27 June 2009. The founder of the CSLI, Senator h.c. Wolfgang Steinhardt, was elected for four years as the first president of the CSLI.
To keep step with the world-wide scorching growth of the CSLI and its different formations on 7 September 2010, the LAZARUS UNION was founded as a world-wide umbrella organisation for the various CSLI groups in more than 50 countries and with more than 11,000 members already. It is registered and recognised officially under the Austrian ZVR registration number 023914681. The constituent general assembly was held on 8. December 2010, with Senator h.c. Wolfgang Steinhardt being elected as president and Union Commander Mrs. Dr.med. Martina Mitter as vice president, both for a period of four years.
On 15. January 2011, the CORPS SAINT LAZARUSAUSTRIA (Sankt Lazarus Korps Österreich) CSLA was officially founded in its constituent assembly and registered under the Austrian ZVR number 451929423 and officially recognised as an association by the state. At the same time all Austrian members of the CORPS SAINT LAZARE INTERNATIONAL have been recognised as CSLA members and all non-Austrian members as LAZARUS UNION members, all with their respective function and rank. The (old) CORPS SAINT LAZARE INTERNATIONAL was then officially and unanimously dissolved by the general assembly.
Since 1.1.2012 the Lazarus Union, togther with the Knighhood of Honour of the Lazarus Union, as independence aid organisation, is under the protectionn of the United Grand Priories of the Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. The LAZARUS UNION is not a part of this organization.
March 2013, the LAZARUS UNION was registed as NGO by the United Nation Organization (UNO).
At 21. June 2013 the Castle of Kreuzenstein nearby Vienna become the titular castle of the Knighthood of Konour of the Lazaruis Union after the given approval of the owner of the castle, Earl Hans-Christian Wilczek.
May 2014: The LAZARUS UNION as a registered and accredited NGO is proud to now announce officially that the LAZARUS UNION has been awarded “SPECIAL CONSULTATIVE STATUS” with the United Nations ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council). A big honour and distinction for the LAZAURUS UNION but also for all the members who have made this success possible.
January 2015: Our new statutes § 18 a (2014) contains in amongst others: „… the CSLI commits itself to neutrality towards all groups of the Order Saint Lazarus and will refrain from any partisanship….” This passage expulses definitely any affiliation to a specific “Lazarus Group” or any “Order of St. Lazarus”. Indeed it makes it necessary, to check all alliances, if they commit a breach of this self-declared neutrality. For this reason, the Lazarus Union converts the current affiliation to the “Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem of the United Grand Priories“ in a “cooperative friendship“ effective with 15 January 2015. Therefore, the Lazarus Union is not an affiliated as member or “sister organization“ with any “Lazarus Groups“ or “Orders of St. Lazarus” and as UN-NGO registered organization in “Special Consultative Status with the United Nations (ECOSOC)” independent.
December 2015: Foundation of the “International Leadership Academy derLazarus Union-ILA”
January 2016: More than 20.000 members worldwide.
January 2017: Nomination for the “Nobel Peace Prize 2017” and more than 21.000 members.
June 2019: Award of the “General Consultative Status” by the United Nations. The General Consultative Status (formerly Consultative Status 1) of the United Nations, is the highest level, which may be granted to organizations that are concerned with most of the activities of the Council, that are making substantive and sustained contributions in many fields, with a considerable membership, and that are broadly representative of major segments of society in a large number of countries. These organizations are, amongts other things, entitled to deliver oral presentations during the Council’s Meetings. Such organizaions have seven named delegates in New York, Geneva and Vienna….